
DevPost, formerly called ChallengePost, is a platform for online software competitions and in-person hackathons that helped cities, colleges, music festivals, governments and tech companies crowdsource innovation. Thousands of developers have participated in hundreds of challenges organized by New York City, Evernote, Samsung, the MTA and the White House.

From 2011 to 2014, they taught me how to design, write, ship and maintain powerful web applications. It was my first job in New York and I can't believe how lucky I got to work with such a talented product team. I eventually left in order to build my own team at Mostro.

Businessman visiting on his iPad. The headline says 'Build software to solve challenges' and lists featured challenges.
Discover hundreds of challenges, build software to solve problems, win prizes.
A MacBook Air on a wooden table next to an open notebook, an iPhone and an espresso. The MacBook has a hackathon homepage open, inviting developers to 'reinvent the presentation using impress.js and the power of CSS3'.
Each challenge can be entirely customized.
Two hands hold an iPad displaying a hackathon homepage called 'The Booksmash Challenge'. The subtitle is 'Use imagination and technology to build software that goes beyond the traditional ways we read and discover books'.